Friday, January 20, 2017

Tips for monochromatic projects with Felicity

Hello OTR friends! Felicity here and its lovely to be back after a long break!
Wanted to share a tip or two about creating a project with monochromatic colours.

Tip1: If creating with one colour and all its shades are daunting start with something small. I will be the first to admit that not adding lots of different colours is difficult for me. So my very first project was using black and white on a 9 x 11 inch page.

Tip 2 - Dont try and add your little 'signature' pieces into something small that your not to comfortable with. Just add the bits and bobs in that colour/shades to understand and get the fill for different patterns in that colour.

Tip 3 - There are no rules about patterns being mixed up on projects. Ok perhaps you shouldn't wear a dottie shirt with a stripey skirt, but hey polka dots on paper with striped paper underneath is acceptable.

Tip 4 - Try creating a bigger project with your favorite colour. If you follow me on Instagram you will see that I love teal. If you love that colour you will no doubt have hundreds of papers and embellishments in that colour which makes it easier to make a project in that colour.

Tip 5 - Don't be hard on yourself if something doesn't look right or your frustrated. You may be out of  your comfort zone creating with one colour and all its shades but these are opportunities to allow yourself growth and learn more about your creativity soul.

Remember how therapeutic it is stick paper together and the memory your documenting.
I hope these tips help create your monochromatic project this month.

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