Thursday, August 6, 2015

Tamy with her tutorial

Hi Off the Rails Scrapbooking readers!

Here is Tamy, all the way from Brazil :) 
Yesterday was my birthday and to celebrate I created this post and I hope you will enjoy it!  It"s actually a very useful tip on how to create your own stencils.

The main material we will use is your old x ray! Yes, that x ray film that you probably have somewhere in your house.
 You can print the design you want and use as a guide, but you can also create your own design and make your stencil even more special and unique.
I created my own pattern inspired by a stamp I've seen on the internet. I first decided I wanted a triangular stencil and from there, I created a mold using a very soft pencil by drawing on the x ray film. 

After making the first row, I chose to draw throughout the entire film, to make it easier and to have a reference. 

After that comes the part that needs more attention, using a new blade, I cut the film, shaping my design, always being careful to do not go over the draw lines or the stencil will be out of shape.  

Now you stencil is done and you can use it in any of your projects, such as:

 You can also check out the video and watch how I did mine.

If you like it, please leave a comment 
God bless you
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  1. Happy Bday Tamy! Ficou lindo!!!

  2. Adoreiiii!!! Linda página, parabéns Tamy!!!

  3. Parabéns pela página e pelo seu aniversário, você é muito delicada e tudo, e também tem muita criatividade e espero que cada diz cresça mais e mais, bjs do wing ;)

  4. Hope you had a great birthday!
    What a great idea for creating your own stencils!

  5. What a brillant idea Tami, thank you for sharing with us

  6. What a terrific idea, and thanks for the tutorial!!!!!!

  7. Hello!!!
    I loved the idea Tamy!!
    Happy birthday for you and congratulations for your creativity.
    Abraços e sucesso sempre.
